Historical Hibbing Wiki

"Pill Hill" was started as an iron ore dump[1]. It is located on Seventh Avenue and Twenty- Sixth Street which when you go up the hill turns into Highland Park[2]. There were not many houses, mostly doctors and business owners built houses on the hill[3]. Not many kids, not a lot of trees mostly grasses[4]. In the winter, people could come up on the hill and use the ski jump that used to be here[5].

[1]Interview with Gayle Reinhart. April 27, 2011.

[2]Interview with Gayle Reinhart. April 27,2011.

[3]Interview with Gayle Reinhart. April 27, 2011.

[4]Photo taken 1960’s. April 28, 2011

[5]Interview with Gayle Reinhart. April 27,2011.
